A single dad takes care of his 3 sons

A single dad takes care of his 3 sons. Billy, Harry, & Mark.
Billy left for college in 2019.
Harry left in 2020.
Mark left in 2023.
Who left first?

Can you solve this riddle?

Here we will at give you the answer to the riddle.

The answer to the riddle A single dad takes care of his 3 sons. Billy, Harry, & Mark. Billy left for college in 2019. Harry left in 2020. Mark left in 2023. Who left first?” is Harry.

Most people think that the answer is Billy, but it says that “Billy left for college”, but this may mean that he still lives at home.
It says that Harry left in 2020, which is the correct answer.

So to sum up: The answer to the riddle is Harry.

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