Heaven and Hell riddle

This is the riddle also know as the “Angel and Devil riddle” or “gates of heaven and hell riddle”
The puzzle is as follows:
There are two gates in a room, one to heaven and the other to hell. Each door has a guardian. One of them always tells the truth and the other one always lies. You can ask only one of them to point you to the door to heaven.
What question would you ask? and to whom?

The correct answer to the riddle «There are two gates in a room, one to heaven and the other to hell. Each door has a guardian. One of them always tells the truth and the other one always lies. You can ask only one of them to point you to the door to heaven. What question would you ask? and to whom?» and the best question to ask is:

Answer/Question: «If I ask the other guard which is the door to heaven, which door will he point me to?»

If you ask “the honest guardian”, he will tell you the truth and say that the other guardian will point you the door to hell.
And, if you ask “the lying guardian”, he will lie to you and point you to the door to hell.

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